The Point of Departure pg 2
  Last update:  May 2010

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This is your Point of Departure. It is time to  work out what it is you will need to take with you on your journey forward. This may not include everything that makes up who you are  right now.  It is also time to start to develop new habits, one's that will help to keep you on your new trajectory.

The Pilgrim's Backpack

Most of what you need, you will gather along the way.

The reason you are here, reading this page, is entirely of your own creation.  If you have journeyed through the preceding text, and practised the lessons therein,  then you will be developing skills necessary to take your next step.  This is the most important step in your journey.  Make sure it counts.

What are the items in the Pilgrim's Backpack?

A seasoned traveller knows to pack light.  On the journey through life, towards one's dreams, packing light is very important.  The more we start the journey  with, the less we can gather along the way.  And most of what you need, you will gather along the way.

The Protector will want you to take everything that might be important:  clothes, money, food, a map, a spare pair of shoes, a medical kit, water, a watch, a  torch... 
But that's because the Protector wants to minimise the risk of failure

The Pilgrim, however, simply wants to go exploring!  The Pilgrim will rush out of the Now and  look forward to the next moment, expecting fully to have everything required to survive in that moment.  But you don't simply want to survive.  You want that moment to be everything it can  be.  So you take what you need to make it exactly that.  The thing is, that next moment also has things to offer you... memories, souvenirs - lessons!  If you are not available, fully available, in the  moment, you will miss the lesson, and have nothing to take away with you to the moment after that.  And what will define your success or failure on this new trajectory, is your presence at  every point along it's path.  Remember, you are choosing this path - it is not choosing you.

So, it is a balance.  Take only what you feel you need.  Leave everything else behind.  Remember  where you are going.  Remember your dream?   What is there in your life right now that is a part  of that dream too?  Make sure you take that.  What is there in your life right now that is not a part  of that dream at all?  Make sure you leave that behind.  It will do nothing but slow your journey, and distract you from the lessons available to you in your future.  Those lessons are significant.   They are the skills you will require even further along your trajectory, skills unavailable to you now. 

So pack carefully.

In time, you will know that you are ready to plot your first Point of Reference.

[Welcome...] [Trajectory] [A Powerful Dream] [The Point of Departure pg 2]

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