Welcome to Humans Being
  Last update:  May 2010

If you are one of the growing number of people who have lifted their heads, looked up, suddenly realised that there is a pattern, a colour, a tapestry to life - and that we are, individually and collectively so deeply a part of it. Then this work is for you.

If you find yourself looking around at the crowd, the streets, the malls and logos, and are struck with the thought that everything is happening for us, by us and because of us - that we are playing all the roles of consumer, employee, employer, investor and commentator - and you are wondering why we have come to this point - why this point? Then this work is for you.

If you sit in your car, or stand in the line, of sit at your desk, or stair out the window, on a plane, at home, at the game - and have had that moment where you feel that something has to change, that we have a responsibility as a species on this planet to be both its children and its guardian, its planter and its reaper, its doctor and its patient - that for too long we have run wild in the garden, enjoying the fruits and field, picking our way across its landscapes without care or regard or stopping to turn the soil, to plant the tree, to clean up and renew, and importantly, to play and be in such a way that all life in the garden is in balance. If you feel like you have heard this before, and nothing is getting done. Then this work is for you.

If you are looking across the landscape of war, famine, genocide, earthquakes, floods, changing weather patterns, global warming, economic free fall, greed, politics, declining species, whale hunting, oil spills... if you see all this at once and wonder - where is God? Then this work is for you.

This web site is part of my ongoing work as a philosopher and writer, as a consultant and as a husband and father, to try to do my part in moving the needle. Just a little bit.

Start here.  The rest will take care of itself.

The Philosopher's Corner
Book Reviews

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