Book Reviews
  Last update:  May 2010

I have arranged my reviews by author as I find it is the easiest way to categorise them, and each author tends to stay within his or her 'space'.  If you have an author you feel I should read please do e-mail me.  Consider this part of the site like a book club where we can all share our thoughts and learn from one another.

Over the coming months I plan to read and review the following books:

  • From Gaia to Selfish Genes - Selected Writings from the Life Sciences - Edited by Connie Barlow
  • A Brief History of Everything - Ken Wilber
  • Conversations with God, I - III - Neale Donald Walsch

If you have already read any of these, please send me your comments so that I can publish them with my thoughts.  Just as with my new 'Sayings' Contest I will name you as the person who sent in your thoughts, unless you wish to remain anonymous.  Just let me know when you send me the e-mail.

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