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Window on My Life
  Last update:  May 2010

Sunday, July 02, 2000

Does God exist?

Yesterday I started this discussion. I will continue to share with you my thoughts.  As I do, remember that this is my point of view.  And points of view are just that!  They are not right, nor are they wrong.  That are a view of things from my perspective. My perspective is that window on reality that I have built over time.  It is based around my thoughts, my experiences and, ultimately, what feels 'right' to me

You are welcome to your points of view.  I encourage those who write to me to question only two things:

  • Is what you believe and hold dear your own point of view or is it the perspective that has been thrust upon you by your parents, your teachers, your peers, the society in which you live, the media, your government? 
    I encourage you to question everything.  Then, once you have done so, ask yourself question two.
  • Does this belief work for you?  Is living this belief a genuine statement to the world around you of who You Are?
    Does it feel intuitively correct for you to adopt this as your own?  If your answer is absolutely YES.  Then go from here into the world as proclaim it as such.

Does God exist?

After the experience with Pasteur Baunker back in 1982 I grew more and more interested in math and science.
I am by no means a mathematician, nor am I a scientist.  In fact, I nearly failed these subjects at school.  However, something inside me began to stir.  I had an insatiable desire to learn and understand more about our universe.  What was this fabric from which we were made.  Why did it obey some very predictable rules?  How much did scientists really know about how and why things worked the way they appeared to? 

I had to know this.  I knew I would not find my truth without it.

Over the years that followed, my journey to understand and learn had me walking with Galileo and Einstein, with Newton and Hawking.  Each with their own perspective.  Each showing me a little more of the truth.  I studied their works and learned about atoms and molecules, electrostatic forces and gravity waves, elementary particles and superstrings, neutrinos and neutron stars, strange quarks and charmed quarks, thermodynamics and spatial movement, singularities, spins and space-time. Like Alice down the rabbit hole, deeper and deeper I tumbled. 

It was 1989 when I decided, for no real reason, to reread Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I had read this years before, but it had had no impact.  This time, however, that something stirred again.  There was a message in this work for me.  A deep intuition pulled at me, and I wanted to know more.  So along with the quarks and superstrings, I spun off into the world of the spiritual.  Richard introduced me to Donald Shimoda, and flew with me in his little biplane across the pages of The Bridge Across Forever and One, Running from Safety and eventually Out of My Mind.  Each book a masterpiece.  Once I had met Richard Bach, over the following years I was introduced also to James Redfield, Paulo Coelho, Kahlil Gibran, Neale Donald Walsch and many others.

It wasn't long before I started to think through some of those really tough questions.  I became immersed in the world of philosophy.  I started by reading Jostien Gardner's book Sophie's World.  I was hooked.  I jumped head first into books on every philosopher I could find.  Each adding to this fragmented jigsaw I called my reality.

To this day I still buy their latest works.  Much of what they have to say inspires me, intrigues me, excites me.  Parts of all of these works make sense to me.  But still, on the whole, I struggle to find my truth.  In everything I have read, and in all of the experiences I have had: in big bangs and black holes, and in the flight of the spirit; in omens and crystals, and essential oils and breathing; in the movement of the planets and in the star signs; in the quest for purpose and in the search for truth - I cannot help but see a truth in it all.  In each of these there is a piece of the puzzle.  In each a pearl of wisdom. 

Ultimately, when taken all together, I know we'll see the truth.  I feel as though if I could lift this blindfold I would see myself. In the space between the atoms, We Are.  In the wind and the trees, in the mountains and the deserts, in the oceans, among the stars and the galaxies We Are.  The same stuff makes us all.  The same stuff binds us together. 

I'm sure that if we peeled the away the final layer in our search for truth, we would see Ourselves.  And I'm sure that if we stood together at that point, where there was nothing left to know, and looked each other in the eye, we would see God.

We are Love, you and I.

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