During 2003...
During 2002...
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During 2000...
Window on My Life
  Last update:  May 2010

Saturday, August 5, 2000

It's about time.

How long does it take to change your mind?
How many times does one have to iterate through the whirlpool of discontent -> pain -> breakdown -> hope -> disillusionment -> discontent.... before finally realising that there is only one thing that can break the cycle!  Your own Self!

Somewhere between 'discontent' and 'pain' you always seem to find the need to justify why you feel this way.  And so you follow the path of least resistance - blame something, or some set of circumstances, for the predicament that you are in.  But you never look to your Self.

Finally, you have stepped up to the mirror in your soul and seen your Self. 

You are the biggest challenge you have to overcome: So many plans lost in time; So many commitments fallen on the banks of the river Comfort, which meanders through the valley of your dreams, falling over the waterfalls of opportunity to finally spill into the sea of possibility.

Welcome to Real Life!  Get up and get dressed.  Wear your best clothing.  Today you are going to come out of your cabin and get behind the wheel.  Raise the sails.  Catch the winds of change.  Plot your course and with all that you have learned: Engage!

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